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# AutoDeploy
AutoDeploy is a tool written in 100% bash that allows for extensible synchronization of configuration files, auto installation of programs your commonly use, and allows for git-like pull/commit. This is intended to be extensible to allow for you to quickly push out a set of configuration files, and have them be pulled into any other machine.
# Goals
I work on so many different machines that keeping my configuration files and the versions of the software I use in sync between many machines is a painstaking task. Autodeploy should help with the following:
- Easily moving all configuraiton files (`~/.vimrc`,`~/.config/i3/config`,`~/.xprofile`,etc) between multiple machines
- Keeping software (and their configurations) the same across all machines
- 100% bash
- [Trufflehog]( functionality for configuration files being stored in public places (IE: Github)
# Documentation
`global_applicaitons.conf` -> The names of applications you wish to install via apt
`global_config.conf` -> Defines variables such as your remote repository, your config folder name, etc
`global_dotFiles.conf` -> Dot files you'd want on any system