#/bin/bash # Preamble RED=`tput setaf 1` BLUE=`tput setaf 4` YELLOW=`tput setaf 3` ENDCOLOR=`tput sgr0` GREEN=`tput setaf 2` #TITLE="\e[4m" TICK="[$GREEN+$ENDCOLOR] " TICK_MOVE="[$GREEN~>$ENDCOLOR]" TICK_BACKUP="[$GREEN<~~$ENDCOLOR] " TICK_INPUT="[$YELLOW!$ENDCOLOR] " TICK_ERROR="[$RED!$ENDCOLOR] " TAB="--" CONFIG_PATH=~/.config/autodeploy HOST_CONFIG_PATH=~/.config/autodeploy/$(hostname)_config/ BACKUP_DIR=$HOST_CONFIG_PATH"backup/" FILE_LOG=$HOST_CONFIG_PATH$(hostname)_files.log remote_repo="http://iroh.int/Graham/ConfigFiles.git" user=$(hostname) selected_config=$HOST_CONFIG_PATH # # Prints usage information # usage() { echo "${GREEN}-------------------------------------------------------------------"$ENDCOLOR echo $GREEN"*** $BLUE AutoDeploy - A pure bash configuration management tool$GREEN ***"$ENDCOLOR echo $GREEN"-------------------------------------------------------------------"$ENDCOLOR echo " $BLUE Usage: autodeploy -h autodeploy -e [apps|config|files] $BLUE Options: $GREEN -h$BLUE Show this [h]elp screen. $GREEN-l$BLUE [L]ist available configuration files $GREEN-p$BLUE [P]ush files to remote repository $GREEN-g$BLUE [G]et files from the remote repository $GREEN-c$BLUE [C]ollect configuration files on the local file system and prepare them for a remote push (-p) $GREEN-f$BLUE Re-run [f]irst time setup $GREEN-a$BLUE [I]nstalls applications found in autodeploy_apps.conf $GREEN-b$BLUE [B]acks up files defined in autodeploy_files.conf $GREEN-m$BLUE [M]oves dotfiles defined in autodeploy_files.conf to their correct locations on the local machine $GREEN-e $BLUE[E]dits autodeploy's configuration files " $ENDCOLOR exit 0 } first_setup(){ # This function is run if the the directory ~/.config/autodeploy is not detected # It handles creating the configuration directory, establishing the git repository for configuration files, and initializing # the ~/.config/autodeploy/ as a git repository echo $TICK$GREEN"Running first time setup"$ENDCOLOR echo $TICK$GREEN"Creating Configuration Files in $BLUE~/.config/autodeploy/ "$ENDCOLOR mkdir -p ~/.config/autodeploy/ echo $TICK$GREEN"Enter your remote git repository URL"$ENDCOLOR echo $TICK$GREEN"For example: $BLUE"https://github.com/grahamhelton/DotFiles""$ENDCOLOR echo -n $TICK_INPUT$GREEN"Enter Remote Repository URL: $YELLOW" read remote_repo echo $ENDCOLOR$TICK$GREEN"Setting Remote Repository to: $YELLOW$remote_repo " #. ~/.config/autodeploy/autodeploy_config.conf cd $CONFIG_PATH git init > /dev/null 2>&1; git remote add origin $remote_repo > /dev/null 2>&1; git checkout -b main > /dev/null 2>&1; echo $ENDCOLOR$TICK$GREEN"First time setup complete, use$BLUE autodeploy -f $GREEN to rerun first time setup"$ENDCOLOR } get_posture(){ # This function is used to determine if the current system has the required dependencies to run AutoDeploy # Change to wget -q --spider $remote_repo then check for return code with $? if ping -c 1 > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo $TICK"Internet Connectivity Detected"$ENDCOLOR internet=True else echo $RED"Internet Connectivity Not Detected"$ENDCOLOR internet=false fi if apt help install -h > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo $TICK"APT is installed"$ENDCOLOR apt=true else echo $RED"APT is NOT installed"$ENDCOLOR apt=false fi } install_apps(){ # This function is responsible for installing any applications (using apt) defined in ~/.config/autodeploy/autodeploy_apps.conf echo $TICK$BLUE"Please input SUDO password"$ENDCOLOR # Runs sudo apt update and upgrade echo $TICK$GREEN"Running apt update and apt upgrade..."$ENDCOLOR ; sudo apt update > /dev/null 2>&1 && sudo apt upgrade -y > /dev/null 2>&1 echo $TICK$GREEN"Installing applications from $BLUE$CONFIG_PATH/autodeploy_apps.conf"$ENDCOLOR # Install each application listed in $CONFIG_PATH/autodeploy_apps grep -v '^#' $CONFIG_PATH/autodeploy_apps.conf | while read -r line; do echo $TICK$GREEN"Installing $BLUE$line"$ENDCOLOR sudo apt install $line -y > /dev/null 2>&1 #| grep -A 1 "NEW packages" | grep -v "NEW packages" done echo $TICK$GREEN"Applications installed."$ENDCOLOR } list_configs(){ # Lists the config files found in ~/.config/autodeploy/*.conf echo -n $BLUE ls $CONFIG_PATH | grep "_config$" } collect_files(){ echo $TICK$GREEN"Collecting files from around the system"$ENDCOLOR # Pulls files from the remote repository and checks to see if the configuration path already exists git -C $CONFIG_PATH pull origin main --allow-unrelated-histories > /dev/null 2>&1 # Check if the configuration path already exists echo $TICK$GREEN"Moving files"$ENDCOLOR if test -d $HOST_CONFIG_PATH;then echo $TICK$GREEN"Creating files in $BLUE$CONFIG_PATH/$(hostname)_config"$ENDCOLOR else mkdir -p $HOST_CONFIG_PATH echo $TICK$GREEN"Creating files in $BLUE$CONFIG_PATH/$(hostname)_config"$ENDCOLOR fi # Copy each line in $CONFIG_PATH/autodeploy_files.conf to $HOST_CONFIG_PATH cd $HOME while read line; do # Copies all files listed in $HOST_CONFIG_PATH/autodeploy_files.conf recursively, verbosely, and forcefully to the staging area. Filters out un-needed lines, and logs them to $hostname_files.log cp -rvf --parents $line $HOST_CONFIG_PATH 2> /dev/null | grep "^'" | awk '{print $1}' | sed "s/'//g" | sed 's@'"$HOME"'@$HOME@' 2>/dev/null # Going to need to add sorting somewhere in here because this log will keep growing echo $TICK_MOVE$GREEN" Copying $BLUE$line$GREEN to $BLUE$HOST_CONFIG_PATH$GREEN if file exists"$ENDCOLOR done < $CONFIG_PATH/autodeploy_files.conf | grep -v "^#" cd $CONFIG_PATH echo $TICK$GREEN"Configuration files saved to $BLUE$HOST_CONFIG_PATH$GREEN. Files can be pushed to $BLUE$remote_repo$GREEN with$BLUE autodeploy -p$GREEN"$ENDCOLOR } edit_files() { # Edit configuration files in $CONFIG_PATH if [ $OPTARG = "apps" ];then "${EDITOR:-vi}" $CONFIG_PATH/autodeploy_apps.conf elif [ $OPTARG = "config" ];then "${EDITOR:-vi}" $CONFIG_PATH/autodeploy_config.conf elif [ $OPTARG = "files" ];then "${EDITOR:-vi}" $CONFIG_PATH/autodeploy_files.conf else usage fi } move_dev(){ if [ -z "$2" ];then echo $TICK$GREEN"No arguments supplied, using configuration in $BLUE$HOST_CONFIG_PATH"$ENDCOLOR collect_files else select_config "$@" fi } select_config(){ echo $TICK_ERROR$YELLOW"Please specify the name of the config file you wish to use"$ENDCOLOR selected_config=$2 if test -d "$CONFIG_PATH/$selected_config";then echo $TICK$GREEN"$selected_config selected" distribute_files else list_configs fi } check_git(){ # Check if the autodeploy configuration files are are in the current repo. If not, creates them if ! test -f "$CONFIG_PATH/autodeploy_files.conf";then echo $TICK$GREEN"Config file not found, generating base configuration..."$ENDCOLOR echo "config_name=$(hostname)" > $CONFIG_PATH/autodeploy_config.conf # Add $remote_repo to autodeploy_config echo "$remote_repo" >> $CONFIG_PATH/autodeploy_config.conf # Add default applications to autodeploy_apps echo "curl\nneovim\nzsh" > $CONFIG_PATH/autodeploy_apps.conf # Add default dot files to autodeploy_files.conf echo ".tmux.conf" > $CONFIG_PATH/autodeploy_files.conf fi } get_files(){ # pulls files from origin cd $CONFIG_PATH git -C $CONFIG_PATH pull origin main --allow-unrelated-histories > /dev/null 2>&1; # Figure out how to check if repo exists check_git echo $TICK$GREEN"Pull complete"$ENDCOLOR } remote_push(){ # Commit and push files to $remote_repo cd $CONFIG_PATH echo $TICK$GREEN"Adding Files"$ENDCOLOR git add . > /dev/null 2>&1 echo $TICK$GREEN"Commiting"$ENDCOLOR git commit -m "Autodeploy from $(hostname) on $(date)" > /dev/null 2>&1 echo $TICK$GREEN"Pushing..."$ENDCOLOR git push -u origin main > /dev/null 2>&1 echo $TICK$GREEN"Files have been pushed to $YELLOW$remote_repo"$ENDCOLOR } backup_old(){ # Backs up all the files that will be overwritten by autodeploy mkdir -p $HOST_CONFIG_PATH"backup" while read line; do echo $TICK_BACKUP$GREEN"Backing up $BLUE$line$GREEN to $BLUE$BACKUP_DIR" cp -rf $HOME/$line $BACKUP_DIR > /dev/null 2>&1; done < $CONFIG_PATH/autodeploy_files.conf # Fix } new_client(){ # Pulles files from origin, get_files collect_files install_apps } distribute_files(){ # Places files defined in autodeploy_file.conf to the correct location in the file system backup_old cd $selected_config # Need an odd for loop syntax because zsh handles file globs differently than bash for f in .[!.]* *; do echo $TICK_MOVE$GREEN"Copying $BLUE$f$GREEN to $BLUE$HOME" cp -rf $f $HOME # Going to need to figure out a way to move all files except for the backup folder done } main(){ # Check if this is the first time autodeploy is being ran if !(test -d $CONFIG_PATH);then first_setup fi if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then usage fi # Process command line arugments while getopts "D g h d n m c p s f a b l :e:" o; do case "${o}" in h) h=${OPTARG} usage ;; D) D=${OPTARG} echo $TICK_ERROR$RED"DELETING CONFIG FILES IN 5 SECONDS,$YELLOW PRESS CTRL+C TO CANCEL"$ENDCOLOR sleep 5 rm ~/.config/autodeploy/ -rf echo $TICK$GREEN"Config files deleted. Run$BLUE autodeploy -f$GREEN to run first time setup."$ENDCOLOR ;; l) l=${OPTARG} echo $TICK$GREEN"Listing available configuration files in $CONFIG_PATH"$ENDCOLOR list_configs ;; e) e=${OPTARG} echo $TICK$GREEN"Editing Files"$ENDCOLOR edit_files ;; p) c=${OPTARG} echo $TICK$BLUE"Push config to $remote_repo"$ENDCOLOR remote_push ;; g) g=${OPTARG} echo $TICK$GREEN"Getting config from $BLUE$remote_repo"$ENDCOLOR get_files ;; c) c=${OPTARG} echo $TICK$GREEN"Collecting config files and storing them in $BLUE$HOST_CONFIG_PATH"$ENDCOLOR collect_files ;; f) f=${OPTARG} echo $TICK$BLUE"Re-running first time setup"$ENDCOLOR # Add this feature ;; a) a=${OPTARG} echo $TICK$BLUE"Installing applications"$ENDCOLOR install_apps ;; b) b=${OPTARG} echo $TICK$BLUE"Backing up current dotfiles to $BACKUP_DIR"$ENDCOLOR backup_old ;; m) m=${OPTARG} echo $BOLD$BLUE"Move files to correct locations"$ENDCOLOR echo $GREEN$BOLD"---------------------------------------"$ENDCOLOR distribute_files ;; n) n=${OPTARG} echo $BOLD$BLUE"Running full new client install"$ENDCOLOR echo $GREEN$BOLD"---------------------------------------"$ENDCOLOR new_client ;; d) d=${OPTARG} echo $BOLD$BLUE"Running move dev"$ENDCOLOR echo $OPTARG echo $GREEN$BOLD"---------------------------------------"$ENDCOLOR move_dev "$@" ;; ?) usage ;; esac done } # Run main funciton and pass it command line arguments main "$@"