title = "Your_Site_Name" baseURL = "https://yoursite.com" relativeURLs = true theme = "smore" enableEmoji = true # Change me if you use google analytics googleAnalytics = "UA-123456789" # Sets the amount of blog posts that appear before creating a new page paginate = 15 # Set the parameters for your site [params] author = "Your Name" description = "Site Description" # path to a .ico to use as favicon favicon = "favicon.ico" # Define syntax highlighting [markup] [markup.highlight] anchorLineNos = false codeFences = true guessSyntax = false hl_Lines = '' hl_inline = false lineAnchors = '' lineNoStart = 1 lineNos = true lineNumbersInTable = false noClasses = true noHl = false # Syntax style. Choose themes from here style = 'gruvbox' tabWidth = 4